Monday, June 8, 2009

TAN Festival!

Tomorrow is my big 6th grade project called TAN Festival ( Then and Now Festival). It is where you pick a country and do projects on it. I did India with my partner so we did a modern and ancient flag, modern and ancient map, modern and ancient timeline, and a travel book. There was also additional projects so we did Ancient India costumes and a sculpture of the Taj Mahal out of toothpicks. It is so cool but all the work was very hard and tiring. There will be pictures on my mom's blog probably tomorrow.


Carrie said...

Wow! A tooth pick Taj Mahal?!! I want to see that one!

Unknown said...

My goodness!!!! The Taj Mahal out of toothpicks??? When did you start building it? You hadn't started when grandma and I were there, had you? I can't wait to see the pictures and I bet you will easily get an A on that project.

Susan said...

So it actually happened! Sounds so great. Love the pictures of you in your Sari. Great job, Paige! What a great chance to learn so much about India, and see the projects from other countries.
I recognize the words in the song, but can't remember what you said it means.

Gwen said...

Her partner made the taj mahal, and underneath was toothpicks with paper over the top. they did great!